
Purchase orders are essential for retailers to acquire merchandise from vendors. They contain all the necessary details, such as quantity, cost, and retail price.
Purchasing is a major step in inventory management. When buyers need to purchase merchandise from vendors to sell, a purchase order is typically created. Purchase Orders (POs) allow retailers to see the exact detail of products they are ordering from vendors such as quantity, cost, retail price, and other important information.

Purchasing in Ability Order Management System
Our purchasing module in Ability Order Management System (OMS) gives you greater control over your inventory. Purchase orders can be easily generated, sent, and reconciled.

In Ability OMS, a user can manually enter a PO number or use one generated by the system. From there, a vendor is selected, and SKUs are entered individually, by style, or automatically populated with stockable items associated with your selected vendor. Users can also enter an expected delivery date, add vendor Send To information (via mail or email), add or remove Hold status, and add the Ship To address. Additional notes for the vendor can be applied to the PO as well. Once the Purchase Order is sent, its status can be viewed at any time.

When shipment from the vendor arrives, items can be marked as received individually or as a whole, and bins/warehouses can be assigned. Ability OMS also allows for PO reconciliation and invoice approval in the event of item cost adjustments or inbound costs associated with receiving/stocking items into the warehouse.

To learn more about Ability OMS and its other features, contact us today!
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